The Cherubim of The Temple

The hat is decorated with the cherubs of the temple. On the three pilgrim festivals when the Israelites went to worship at the Temple they were able to see the cherubim positioned in the Holy of Holies. Mostly they stood face to face symbolizing the close connection of the people to God. Unfortunately, there were times when the Children of israel sinned and the cherubs were then seen standing back to back. The connection between God and the Jewish people is compared to the relationship between husband and wife. The cherubs on the hat are facing each other as a sign of the love and devotion of a Jewish couple.

The Cherubs of the Temple, 2023, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric, size A
The Ten Spheres

According to Kabbalah, all of creation is represented by the ten spheres that describe the process of receiving abundance from on high.
The Jewish woman has the spiritual power to receive abundance in her home.

The Ten Spheres, 2023, cocktail-style hat made of sinamay fabric with voile on it, size A1

Removing a Portion of Dough

The hat with a sculpture of braided challah symbolizes a woman baking bread and removing a small portion of the dough, and reciting a special blessing. By baking bread, the woman makes amends for Man’s sin in the Garden of Eden.

Removing a Portion of Dough, 2023, cocktail style hat made of felt with mesh fabric cover, size A1

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, brought a revolution in fashion and came out with elaborate high hairstyles. When the French navy won a war, the queen went out to celebrate the victory by wearing a boat-shaped hat. She was not allowed to speak her mind, but she used her feminine wiles to convey her opinion. King Solomon wrote, "Every wise woman buildeth her house." Women are gifted with unique understanding which enables them to use their potential to the fullest.

Boat, 2023, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric, size A1
Shabbat Candles

The hat with the pair of candlesticks symbolizes the woman who is responsible for instilling peace and tranquility in the home. The women have the responsibility to bring happiness and joy to the family by lighting the candles every Shabbat and holiday eve.

Shabbat Candles, 2023, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric decorated with voile, size A1
The Moon

In Judaism, the woman is likened to the moon and the man is likened to the sun. The hat with the moon sculpture shows the woman illuminated by the sun. In Judaism the male gives and the female receives. The man's role is to be attentive, to praise, and to listen, and give assistance.
The woman's role is to accept  the praise and assistance. A mutual system of giving and receiving.

The Moon, 2023, cocktail style hat made of felt, size A1
The Jewish Home

The hat with a sculpture of a house and inside it mothers taking care of children, symbolizes the  homemaker. She determines the character of the household and its atmosphere and is responsible for the education of the children.
Love, warmth and solid values of morality and honesty are the cornerstones of the Jewish home and contribute to the establishment of a healthy society.

The Jewish Home, 2023, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric, decorated with voile, size A1
Holy Purity

The clean design of the hat with the white cloth and feather symbolizes the woman’s ritual purification for her husband. The purification process includes a waiting period and at the end an immersion in the mikvah, the ritual bath. The choice of fabric and color symbolize purity and cleanliness.

Holy Purity , 2023, cocktail style hat made of felt and lace decorated with voile and a feather, size A1
Twelve Tribes of Israel

The hat has a sculpture of a gold-colored tray of eggs with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It is positioned on the head of the woman, recognizing her central role in the home and symbolizing fertility.

Twelve tribes of Israel, A cocktail-style hat made of sinamay fabric with a lace overlay
Women's Wisdom

The hat with a sculpture of the five books of Moses symbolizes the Jewish woman in the modern world. The new era has opened the gates of Torah learning to the woman of our time, in contrast to the women of the past.

Women's Wisdom, 2023, cocktail style hat made of sinamay and silk fabric, size A1
The Blessing of Livelihood

The hat with coins in the shape of shekels symbolizes the woman who brings sustenance and blessing to the home, as it is written in the Talmud, "Respect your wives so that you may become rich." A man who respects his wife and buys her beautiful clothes and jewelry, etc. and talks to her pleasantly and with joy will gain wealth and happiness.

The blessing of livelihood, 2023, cocktail style hat made of imitation leather with voile on it, size A1
The Copper Mirrors

During the slavery in Egypt, the men were exhausted by their harsh labor.The Israelite women used mirrors made of shiny copper to adorn themselves and entice their husbands, in order to ensure the birth of the next generation. At the time of the Israelites making donations to build the tabernacle in the desert, the women of Israel donated these mirrors.


The Copper Mirrors, 2023, cocktail style hat made of silk fabric and velvet with a peacock feather on top of which crystal stones are placed and a heart-shaped mirror, size A1
Queen Esther

The hat is a real gold-plated crown and inside is a leather parchment with the phrase "And Esther put on a royal veil." The crown is shaped like an envelope, symbolizing that Esther wrote the scroll. Sages say that Esther donned the Holy Spirit and associated herself with the true kingship, to the true king who rules the world. Esther teaches that salvation is in each and every one of us. We must dare to stand up and act even if we fail - we are part of a bigger story.

Queen Esther, 2024, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric with crystal stones and pearls decorated with voile, size A1

A hat on which is placed a bird made of pure gold plating, feathers and a circumcision knife. Tzipora married Moses and they had two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Tzipora was so named because she was  bound to Moses as a bird and according to the commentators she was a dark skinned woman. When Moses was on his way to Pharaoh to bring Israel out of Egypt, an angel came to kill him because he had not circumcised his son Eliezer, Tzipora realized this and immediately circumcised her son and threw the foreskin  at Moses' feet. The angel immediately left Moses, and thanks to her actions he was saved.

Tzipora, 2024, boater style hat made of sinamay fabric covered with gold paper and feathers, size A1
Miriam’s Tambourine

On the hat is a tambourine with the verse "Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing. Miriam sang to them: Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. Both horse and rider he has hurled into the sea.” The hat symbolizes Miriam who went against Pharaoh and saved the male babies, instilling in them liveliness, joy and optimism. She sang and beat her tambourine for them.

Miriam’s Tambourine, 2023, cocktail style hat made of silk with gold letters affixed to it, size A1

A hat with a sculpture in the form of a menorah with candles and the figure of Judith with a sword in one hand and a skull in the other decorated with spinning tops.
The main Hanukkah miracle was performed by a Jewess from the Hasmonean house. The Greeks had decreed for all virgins about to be married to sleep with the king first. After she killed the Greek king, Israel went to war and the decree was revoked.

Judith, 2024, cocktail style hat made of sinamay, size A1
Mother Earth

The hat is in the shape of a map of the Land of Israel. In the center of the map, the four chambers of the heart are shown with the names of the four mothers (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah). The Gaza Strip on the map is shown decorated with anemone flowers that remind us of the terrorist atrocities of 7th October 2024 and those who fell in defense of the homeland.

Mother Earth, 2024, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric with crystal stones, and decorated with voile, size A1
Deborah The Prophetess

On the hat stands a palm tree and next to it scales and a hammer symbolizing law. On the hat is the quote "Deborah, she judged Israel" (Judges, chapter 5). Deborah was one of the seven prophetesses of Israel and judged under a palm tree. Deborah initiated the war against Jabin, king of Hazor and Sisera. The war was accompanied by miracles, which are described in the song of Deborah, one of the ten songs in the Bible, and it was composed by her after the miraculous victory.

Deborah The prophetess, 2024, straw cocktail style hat, size A1
Serach Daughter of Asher

A hat with a sculpture of a violin and musical notes on it and next to it the phrase "Od Yosef Chai" (“Joseph is still alive”). After years in which Jacob thought that his beloved son Joseph had been killed, the brothers wanted to tell him that Joseph lived and ruled Egypt. Serach daughter of Asher, who is mentioned in traditional biblical commentaries as a heroic and wise woman whom even the greatest of the generation came to consult, did this by means of song and playing the violin. That is why she received Jacob's blessing that she would enter heaven in her lifetime.

Serach daughter of Asher, 2024, cocktail style hat made of sinamay fabric decorated with crystals and flowers, size A1
Ruth the Moabitess

A hat combined with wheat and a gold-plated Torah scroll symbolizing the kingship of David. Ruth the Moabite went through the conversion process. Due to her modesty,she earned the rank of 'Mother of the Kingdom.’ Her descendant King David died on the wheat harvast festival of Shavuot, which celebrates the giving of the Torah. Ruth symbolizes the quality of charity inherent in the Jewish people.

Ruth the Moabite, 2024, cocktail style hat made of sinamay, size A1
The project was selected for display at the Knesset in honor of International Women's Day.

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