Following the corona period, we find ourselves in a new situation where the children are locked up in the house and are unloading all their energies in the home space.
I have now learned to respond in different ways to the children's behavior.
Children at home are constantly looking for something to do to keep occupied.
They play games, they draw, they paint the walls, the floors and the furniture and they run and jump in every possible corner of the home.
Due to the complexity of the situation, I took a "parent training" course in which I learned to behave differently in front of the children.
The photography gives the feeling of restraint and looks at the children drawings without anger while allowing them the full use of the space of the home. They are encouraged to draw wherever they want, and the camera accompanies them and captures each moment.
During the two years I photographed, visual changes were made in the house where the children's play area reached their room. A hierarchical order was created in the house and in the children's room. My personal studio became more active in materials and making, but there was still creative freedom for the children in the personal space of their room and I remained restrained.

Hat blocks in the studio
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A1
Date: June 7, 2020
Split between my world and my children
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A0
Date: June 5, 2020

Rabbi Ovadia
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting​​​​​​​
Size: A1
Date: April 11, 2021
Between the sacred and the profane
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A1
Date: June 7, 2020
Dolphin registration
Stills on a tripod with
daylight and house lighting
Size: A1
Date: May 21, 2020
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A0
Date: April 11, 2021
Treasure Box
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A2
Date: June 15, 2020
Formality in light
Stills on a tripod with
daylight lighting
Size: A1
Date: June 15, 2020

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